Friday, January 09, 2015


Sunday, January 4, 2015

9:10 AM Leave for church, Matthew 24 Sunday School lesson ready

9:13 AM On the way to church

9:14 AM An idea completely different than I expected to use for class pops right into my brain -- and stays there. Not one of those, in/out thoughts that float around but one that I knew meant the whole lesson was now going in an entirely different direction.

9:30 AM Begin the class with this written on the board:

Elvis has left the building.

Jesus has left the temple.

Yes, the class was staring at the board with the has-she-lost-her-mind look. What did Elvis leaving and Jesus leaving have in common? Or how were they different? Well, let me tell you, once they started kicking around ideas it was one of the funnest (a word created by children that works here) class ever.

Right off they said they were both "Kings" but Elvis was a small "k." It was pointed out that Elvis had fans that were always his fans, but, although Jesus had his disciples and a few followers, those around him changed from town to town.

When Elvis left, he had a destination: his next concert. Jesus, also had a destination: the Mount of Olives. A big difference is that Elvis entertained and Jesus taught.

Elvis and Jesus both left. They quickly came up with the idea that the building was different when they left. When Elvis left the building, the energy he generated left with him. "But what about when Jesus left the Temple?" I asked.

We then thought, "What would our church be like if the Spirit of Jesus left?" The word "empty" seemed to be the final description. Yes, a concert hall would be empty when Elvis left, but only for a short time. Another performer would come along and fill the hall with music again. If Jesus left, it would just be empty. There would be no one to come along and fill the emptiness. The church would just be a building. We did not like that feeling.

Matthew 24:1 begins with, "Jesus left the temple.." Do you want the really great news? WE DO NOT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT JESUS LEAVING US ! ! !

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirt, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20

We are His. We are His disciples. He is always with us. ALWAYS - TO THE VERY END OF THE AGE.

What an amazing discussion came out of one crazy idea that just popped into a little brain. Or maybe, just maybe, the idea didn't just pop in. Maybe it was placed there for Sunday, January 4, 2015, 9:30 AM, Unity Sunday School Class.

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