Friday, January 23, 2015


I WANT IT ALL!!! Yes, I know what the Bible says about greed -- not good. But I want it all. Not some. Not half. ALL: the whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of.

So listen up. Here is what I want:

ASSURANCE: the state of being sure or certain about something

BLESSED: having a sacred nature: connected with God

FORGIVENESS: overlook fault

GRACE: unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification -- a virtue coming from God

LOVE: an assurance of affection

PAYMENT: something that is given to someone in exchange for something else

PATIENCE: the ability to wait for a long time without becoming annoyed or upset

PEACE: a state of tranquility or quiet

UNDERSTANDING: the power of comprehending;

Oh, my goodness. The list of things I want is so long you would quit reading if I listed them all.


I want to be certain that I am connected with God and that He will overlook my faults (aka sins). I want God's divine assistance and the assurance of His affection. I want to accept the blood that was given in exchange for my sins. I want to be able to wait for God's direction without being annoyed or upset. I want to feel the state of tranquility and have the power to comprehend all God has waiting for me.


What about you? Are you asking God for only a few things? OR Do you want it all?

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